Here you will find the Daily Itinerary for Summer Running! If you are absent for a practice you can view what was accomplished!
Monday, June 10th: Hills Work Out: 15 Minute Warm-Up. Find a Hill that will take about 30-45 seconds to run to the top, then jog back down and repeat. "B" Work Out: 8-10 hills at 80% Race Pace, "A" Work Out: 11-13 Hills at 80% Race Pace. Finish with a 15 Minute Cool-Down. Stretch and Roll-Out. Workout- 3 miles
Tuesday, June 11th: Tempo Run Work Out: 5 minute Warm Up, then 15 minutes at Tempo Pace (Tempo Pace is at about 70-80 percent of Race Pace, or "enough to have a conversation, but be breathing hard as you run") Take a 5 minute break, then repeat run, going slightly faster on the second Tempo Run. Finish by either stretching out or stretching ankles using a slant incline. Workout- 3-3.5 Miles
Wednesday, June 12th: Pool Workout With Aquajogger equipment- Warm-Up for 10 minutes @ 9-11 Cycles per 15 Seconds. Then, do 6 rounds of 1 minute @ VO2 Max (18-20 Cycles) and 2 minutes @ jogging pace (11-13 cycles). Take a short break, then 3 rounds of going across the pool, 1/3 @ slow Jog (9-11 Cycles), 1/3 @ Moderate Pace (13-15 Cycles) and 1/3 @ Sprint (20+ Cycles)
Thursday, June 13th: Speed 15 Minute Warm-Up, then 10x 200s on the Track. Run each at equivalent VO2 Max Pace (use Pace Chart located on Useful Links to figure out your time), then jog back to 200 start to cool down. Finish by stretching or icing.
Monday, June 17th: Hills 15 Minute Warm-Up: Barb Workout (If on own find a circuit course with a hill). First Round Run 12 minutes. 2 minutes @ 60/70 percent, 30 seconds @ Race Pace OR slightly above race pace. Take a break to let heart rate return to normal. Then, begin Secon Round Run: 12 minutes. 1:30 minutes @ 60/70 percent, 30 seconds @ Race Pace OR slightly above race pace. Tuesday, June 18th: Tempo Run 5 minute Warm-Up, 30 minute Tempo Run (Think Elevated run @ 70-80 percent), then 5 minute cooldown. Finish by stretching/rolling out or icing
Wednesday, June 19th: Pool Workout With Aquajogger equipment- Warm-Up for 10 minutes @ 9-11 Cycles per 15 Seconds. Then, do 6 rounds of 1 minute @ VO2 Max (18-20 Cycles) and 3 minutes @ jogging pace (11-13 cycles). Repeat for 35-40 minutes
Thursday, June 20th: Speed Workout 800 warm-up on Track. Then, Begin Pyramid Workout. "A" Workout: 4x200, 3x400, 2x800, 3x400, 4x200. Run all @70% race pace. 30 sec-1 min rest between each. "B" Workout: 4x200, 2x400, 800, 2x400, 4x200. Runn all @70% race pace with 30 sec-1min rest between each.
Monday, June 24th- Hills 15 minute warm-up. Find a hill that takes about 30-45 seconds to run up. Run up the hill, then continue running hard PAST the top of the hill for 50 yards. Repeat 8-10 times. Use the time left over to cool down, making your completed work-out 1 hour.
Tuesday, June 25th- Tempo Run 10 minute warm-up. Run 30 minutes @ Tempo Run (70-80 %) then 10 minute cool-down. Stretch or Ice afterward.
Wednesday, June 26th- Pool Workout With Aquajogger equipment- Warm-Up for 10 minutes @ 9-11 Cycles per 15 Seconds. Then, do rounds of 1 minute @ VO2 Max (18-20 Cycles) and 2 minutes @ jogging pace (11-13 cycles). Repeat for 35 minutes
Thursday, June 27th- Speed Workout 10 minute Warm-Up. Find a circuit area on a flat piece of grass (NOT Black top). Run 3 sets of Killer Drills- Run for 12 minutes, 45 secs at jogging/recovery pace, 15 sec Sprinting. Allow for a full recovery in between each set.
Monday, July 1st- Hills 15 minute warm-up. Find a hill that takes you about a minute to run and reach the top. Run up the hill about 60-70 % Race Pace. Repeat 8-11 times. 15 minute Cool Down
Tuesday, July 2nd- Tempo Run 10 minute warm-up, 15 minute Tempo run (70-80%), 5 minute jog, 15 minute Tempo Run, 5 minute cool-down.
Wednesday, July 3rd- Pool Work Out With Aquajogger equipment- Warm-Up for 10 minutes @ 9-11 Cycles per 15 Seconds. Then, do rounds of 1 minute @ VO2 Max (18-20 Cycles) and 3 minutes @ jogging pace (11-13 cycles). Repeat for 35 minutes
Thursday, July 4th- LSD on Own No practice today. Do LSD run and enjoy the holiday!
Monday, July 8th- Hills 10-15 min Warm Up. Find long hill that takes about a minute and a half to complete. Run to top of hill 3 times, then jog back down. When you reach the top the third time, continue running for a total run of 3.5-4 miles.
Tuesday, July 9th- Tempo Run 5 min. Woarm Up. 20 minutes at Tempo run (60-70% race pace), then 5 min. Jogging/Rest. Do second 20 min. Run at Tempo pace. Stretch or ice afterward.
Wednesday, July 10th- Pool Work Out With Aquajogger equipment- Warm-Up for 10 minutes @ 9-11 Cycles per 15 Seconds. Then, do rounds of 1 minute @ VO2 Max (18-20 Cycles) and 1 min 30 sec @ jogging pace (11-13 cycles). Repeat for 35 minutes
Thursday, July 11th- Speed 10 Minute Warm-Up, then 10x 200s on the Track. Run each at equivalent VO2 Max Pace (use Pace Chart located on Useful Links to figure out your time), then jog back to 200 start to cool down. Finish by stretching or icing.
Monday, July 15th- Hills 15 Minute Warm-Up: Barb Workout (If on own find a circuit course with a hill). First Round Run 12 minutes. 2 minutes @ 60/70 percent, 30 seconds @ Race Pace OR slightly above race pace. Take a break to let heart rate return to normal. Then, begin Second Round Run: 12 minutes. 1:30 minutes @ 60/70 percent, 30 seconds @ Race Pace OR slightly above race pace.
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